As we all know "Health is Wealth" .We all want to take care of our health without bothering about our health . Stress can have a negative consequence on your health and relationships , as stress and health are interconnected with each other .
Here are some problems or negative effects of too much stress :
- concentration and attention span decreases.
- short- and long-term memory deteriorate
- response speed becomes unpredictable
- error rate increases
- powers of organization and long-term planning deteriorate
- delusions and thought disorders increases.
- physical and psychological tensions increases.
- hypochondria increases
- changes take place in personality traits
- existing personality problems increase
- moral and emotional constraints weaken
- depression and helplessness appear
- self-esteem falls sharply
- speech problems increase
- interests and enthusiasms diminish
- absenteeism increases
- drug abuse increases
- energy levels are low.
- sleep patterns are disrupted
- cynicism about clients and colleagues increases
- new information is ignored
- responsibilities are shifted onto others
- problems are 'solved' at an increasingly superficial level
- bizarre behavior patterns appear
- suicide threats may be made
First of all,
Change your food habits :
Avoid excessive sugar found in granola bars, pastries or soda. Carbohydrates, such as pasta, convert easily to sugar. These can cause severe ups and downs and agitation, upsetting your body's ability to efficiently utilize energy.
- Avoid excessive coffee . Instead of regular coffee, switch to decaf or an herbal tea with little or no caffeine.
- Eat fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grains that are free of refined sugar, such as apples, grapes, carrots, broccoli, brown rice or whole grain breads.
- Eat plenty of low-calorie protein, such as chicken, fish, whole grains, legumes, dark leafy vegetables or low-fat dairy. These proteins are a better source of energy.
- Take multi-vitamin. Some vitamins relieve stress.( must consult to your doctor)
GO for Exercise :
- This is the best known way to reduce stress . Regular exercise would give you amazing results
- Try at least thirty minutes a day and six day a week of moderate activity.
- Walk in the park or on a treadmill.
- Try to use stairs rather than elevator.
- You don't need to work out like a body builder or celebrity , go for a simple walk for 30 minutes is quite good .
Go for swimming :
Try your local pool, a nearby lake or a friend or relative home or natural spring near by ( but be careful).
Try to Find a quiet place with eye catching scenery.
this will refresh your mood and give you better feeling and thinking.